
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Welcome to Beauty and Bananas!

Welcome to Beauty and Bananas! My name is Stephanie and I'm 15 years old. I'm a serious golfer and want to play in college. I've been playing golf since I was seven years old and practice almost everyday. I'm currently working on getting stronger so I can hit it further and be more competitive. I also have a passion for makeup and living a healthy lifestyle. I started this blog to combine two of my favorite things: Beauty and Health/Fitness. I have a youtube channel as well: 97pinkbubblegum where I post videos like makeup tutorials, favorites, fashion videos and reviews! I would love to be a makeup artist one day, but I think I want to major in Nutrition or Health Sciences. I don't know. We'll have to see. :)  I hope you enjoy my blog where you'll find healthy recipies, daily workout checkins, makeup tips, fashion looks and reviews! And who knows.. sometimes my dog Bella might pop up. ;)  


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