
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Paleo Banana Bread

I love banana bread... And for some reason I was craving it today! I wanted to make some that was grain free and low in sugar. Most traditional banana breads are full of white flour and refined sugar. One slice of Starbucks's Banana Walnut Bread, for example, has 490 calories, 19g fat, 75g carbs, and a whopping 46g sugar! Woah. It also has hydrogenated  oils, the unhealthy fats. My banana bread, on the other hand, is under 110 calories, has only 12g carbs, 6g fat, and 5g of natural sugar. And healthy fats from coconut and almonds that your brain needs! This banana bread is also grain free, also know as paleo! That means gluten free and dairy free! So, which one do want eat now?? Hopefully mine, right? I used a mix of coconut flour and almond flour, and it turned out perfect! Moist and just enough sweetness! So, ready to get baking?!

Paleo Banana Bread
(serves 10)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/4 cup almond flour
  • 2 large mashed bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon (or more if you like)
  • 1 Tbs. honey or coconut sugar (more or less if you like)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbs. coconut oil, melted (could also use organic butter)
1. Pre-heat oven at 350.
2. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, and mix wet in another.
3. Combine wet and dry ingredients, mix well.
4. Pour batter in a greased loaf pan.
5. Bake for 35-40 minutes.
6. Let cool. Enjoy!

If you've never used coconut or almond flour, you can find it in the organic sections of most grocery stores. You can also make your own by grinding up almonds and coconuts in your food processor. Just google it. ;)

This made a small loaf, so if you want it to be taller and fill out the pan, just double the recipe!

You could also add walnuts, almonds, blueberries, cranberries, or chocolate chips for some yummy variations! Top with a little of my raspberry chia jam, a spread of almond butter or just plain as a great snack or breakfast! 

Nutrition Facts: (1 slice)
calories: 110
fat: 6g
carbs: 12g
protein: 4g
sugar: 5g 

I also have a Vegan Banana Bread recipe!

Let me know if you try it out! Hashtag #beautyandbananas on Instagram or tag me @beautyandbananas! 
XoXo, Stephanie


  1. Thanks for this. I'm going to make them this weekend and turn it into muffins. :)

  2. If I double the recipe, how long should I bake the bread for?? Thanks :)
