
Thursday, May 15, 2014

What I ate Today! {2}

Breakfast- {9 am} Before a 10:00 Zumba class and yoga, I fueled up with 2 slices of Udi's Gluten Free Millet & Chia bread, toasted- One with natural almond butter, one with peanut butter, and a sliced banana. I also drizzled a small amount of honey on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I also had a few strawberries on the side (strawberry and banana...yum!) I usually don't drink coffee, but I had a small cup with almond milk, because I was kind of sleepy this morning! I haven't had pb+banana toast in a while, and I was really craving it! This hit the spot! 

Lunch- {12:45} After I got home from the gym, I was hungry for lunch! I was excited to have some of things I prepped this week, in my last post. I was on my way to golf practice next, so it was nice to be able to throw this together so quickly! I had some shredded chicken mixed with 1/2 and avocado and a little black pepper (This combo is definitely a new favorite!) which I like to have with some mixed greens with coconut vinegar as dressing, and on the side- some sweet potato sprinkled with chili and cinnamon for some good carbs. This was so simple and so yummy! It was a really good balanced meal that kept me satisfied all afternoon!

Afternoon Snack- {3:45} After golf I enjoyed a Blueberry Muffin Lara Bar! I love all Lara Bars, but this is one of my all time favorites! I tastes just like a blueberry muffin, and kind of reminds me of the Hostess Mini Muffins, I had when I was little...Anyone else remember those? haha :) I love how simple the ingredients are: Dates, cashews, blueberries, blueberry juice, and lemon juice!

Dinner - {6:30} Again, thanks to food prepping, this dinner was very easy! I used some of my pre-cooked quinoa to make some "fried rice". The original recipe is here! Basically I just heated a little coconut oil in a pan, sautéed some veggies, cracked to eggs, scrambled, and added some quinoa! I seasoned it with some coconut amines, which are delicious low sodium (and soy free!) alternative to soy sauce. Done! It sounds so simple, but it really does taste like actual Chinese fried rice! I also had a simple green salad on the side because I didn't feel like I got enough greens in me today!

Desert- I always have a sweet tooth, what can I say? I made some No-Bake Protein Peanut Butter "Rice Krispies", which I posted the recipe for on Instagram. They still need a lil' tweaking, but they are still yummy! I had one with some almond milk. And did I mention they only have 2 grams of fat and sugar and 4 grams of protein? :)

I hope you guys enjoyed seeing what I ate today... it's not creepy is it?? Haha I love seeing what other people eat to get ideas and inspiration! Let me know what you had!
XoXo, Stephanie

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