
Friday, September 5, 2014

Healthy Sweet & Savory Breakfast Egg Sandwich

Hey everyone! How's your "end of summer" going? I know nobody wants to think of that! Eeeek! But I'm enjoying getting back to school, but been really busy getting back in the swing of things! I haven't posted a recipes in a while, sorry about that! But today, I have one of my favorite new breakfasts! I used to love Egg McMuffins from McDonalds (yes, I did. Lol) so I wanted to created a healthier, and frankly, much tastier version at home. I came up with a sweet and savory version, including strawberry jam, because I have to have something sweet in the morning! Eating a healthy breakfast does NOT have to be boring, it can be delicious! What better way to kick off the school year with a new healthy breakfast?! This sandwich is super quick to make (especially if you cook up lots of turkey bacon, and have it ready in the fridge) and you could even take it on the go if you have rushed mornings. It's a great balance of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Did you know eggs are called "Nature's Multi-Vitamin"? There are vitamin that are only found in the yolk. Yep, so eat up on those yolks, folks! And feel free to switch up the recipe, by using different flavors of jam, ham instead of turkey bacon, avocado instead of cheese.... the possibilities are endless! 

Sweet & Savory Breakfast Egg Sandwhich
(serves 1)
  • 1 Ezekiel Sprouted English Muffin (whole wheat of gluten free will work too!)
  • 1 egg
  • 1-2 sliced of organic uncured turkey bacon 
  • 1 slice of all-natural Munster cheese (or any cheese you like!)
  • 1 Tbs. Strawberry Jam

1. Cook turkey in a pan or microwave...(follow the instructions on your package!)
2. Meanwhile, Cook your egg in a non-stick pan sunny-sid up. (crack the egg into the pan and let it cook about 5 minutes.) Season with pepper. When the egg is almost done (I like mine runny! #yolk) place your cheese on top and cover with a lid, to let the steam melt the cheese.
3. While the bacon and egg is cooking, go ahead and slice open & toast your english muffin.
4. Once the muffin is all nice n' toasty, it's time to assemble! Spread one half of the muffin with jam, and on the other half layer your egg and bacon and close it up! Enjoy! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe! Let me know if you try it out! Tag me on Instagram
@beautyand bananas! Have a great day!
XoXo, Stephanie

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