
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Weekly Favorites!

I haven't done a weekly favorites in a while, but this week I had some things I wanted to share with you all! This is a mix of fashion, fitness, food and more!

1. Favorite Book: The Body Book by Cameron Diaz

I bought this book a while ago, but I just went back to it this week. I love the positive outlook she has on health and fitness. She believes in honoring your body's hunger and being proud of what it can do. She talks about nutrition, training, and self love. It's an all around great book, with beautiful pictures, and recommend it for anyone! Oh! And the water bottle in the pic is also a favorite! I got it on sale at LuLu Lemon the other day! Score!

2. Fashion Favorite: This Dress! 

It's called the Crochet Wonder Dress from Altar'd State, and I've been wearing it like crazy. I love that it can be dressed up or down and paired with so many different accessories! Click (here) to shop the dress on their website!

3. Power Crunch French Vanilla Creme Protein Bar

This is a new snack find for me! I've tried Power Crunch bars before, and they were just okay. This week I tried the vanilla flavor and I loved it! It tastes like those creme wafers I had when I was younger. So good! They are a nice change from quest bars, and are a lower protein, lower carb, slightly higher fat option. That's sometimes a nice option if you are already having a lot of protein that day. Each bar has 13 grams of fat, 14 gram of protein, and only 10 carbs.

4. Chocolate Mint Quest Bar

The new Quest Bar flavor is on point. The first one I tried this week was not a disappointment. If you like Thin Mint cookies, you will love this bar. Quest Nutrition never fails, so I was not surprised how good this was! It's a softer, more cookie like texture than than the Cookie Dough flavor. The Chocolate Mint is for sure one of my new favorites! 
9 grams of fat, 20 grams protein, 15 grams of fiber

I was super excited when I saw the new flavor at my local GNC. They were sold out the first time I checked!

 4. Easy To-Go Lunches

Usually I eat one or two packed meals throughout the day. Either at golf or work. I like to keep them simple and high protein, and something that isn't messy or hard to pack. One of my favorites is an easy salad with grilled chicken, tomatoes, and what ever other veggies I have. For dressing I like olive oil + apple cider vinegar and some mustard on the top (weird, but trust me it's good and so much healthier than bottled dressings!) I also usually pack some carrots and hummus on the side!

5. Summer Fruit!

Now that the weather is heating up, I've been loving fruits like watermelon and pineapple! My family and I have been cutting up a bunch at the beginning of the week, and I've been having some with breakfast, lunch, for snacks.. I'm obsessed. And they're so good for you!

6. Favorite Quote

I love this quote. It speaks for itself...

7. Favorite Breakfast- Eggs, Toast, and Fruit

Similar to the breakfast posted above, I've been loving some variety of eggs, toast, and fruit. There is so many ways to switch it up. Eggs can be in the form of sunny side up, scrambled, egg whites and/or whole eggs, an omelette, or hard boiled. Toast can be with avocado, peanut butter and banana, butter and jam, almond butter, jelly.. whatever! Fruit can be berries, banana, pineapple, watermelon, apples, grapes...It's impossible to get bored with this breakfast formula! ;)

I hope you all enjoyed this little random weekly favorites! Maybe it gave you some breakfast ideas, or a new book to read! Let me know what you've been loving!

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