
Friday, August 28, 2015


Oatmeal is a great, classic healthy breakfast. But I know, it can get boring. We all know oatmeal is a great complex carb full of fiber, but a bowl of oats by itself isn't really a balanced breakfast because it lacks a good amount of protein. That's why I love egg white oats! 

Now, I know you may be thinking "ew... egg whites in oatmeal?!" Just wait, my friend. Trust me, you can't taste them! Egg whites are a great source of lean protein and instantly add a protein boost to your oats! Also, they make the oatmeal super fluffy, which makes you feel like your eating more oatmeal (without the extra carbs). And now that we are heading into the cooler months, I know I'll be having oats almost every morning for breakfast! You can make them on the stove, or in the microwave for an even faster option. This recipe is super simple and will be sure to satisfy your taste buds and tummy.

(serves 1)

  • 1/2 cup old fashioned (rolled) oats
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup egg whites 
  • stevia drops to sweeten (I prefer Sweet Leaf)

Stove Top Instructions:
  1. Bring the water to a boil in a pan on the stove top.
  2. Add in the oats when the water is boiling, and turn the heat down to medium.
  3. Stir the oats, and wait a couple minutes for them to cook.
  4. Add in the egg whites when the oats are almost at desired thickness. (there's no right or wrong consistency, it's personal preference- but I like mine thick.)
  5. Whisk egg whites frequently to mix evenly through the oats. Add in stevia.
  6. Continue to cook for a couple of more minutes until the egg whites have cooked through. You'll be able tell when they are no longer liquid-y, but absorbed right into the oats.
  7. And you're done! Pour them into a bowl and add you're favorite toppings!
Microwave Instructions:
  1. Put oats and water into a bowl together.
  2. Microwave for 1-2 minutes. (Check after one minute and stir)
  3. Take out of microwave, stir in egg whites and stevia, add microwave for another minute.
  4. Check to see if they're ready, stir, and microwave for another 30 seconds- 1 minute if needed.
  5. And you're done! Pour them into a bowl and add you're favorite toppings!

    Topping time!
    I like to top mine with banana slices and berries, but feel free to use whatever fruit you like!

    And if you're a nut butter addict like me, peanut butter and almond butter are great toppings. They taste amazing, get all melty, and serve as a great source of healthy fats to keep you even more satisfied!

    And that's how to add a protein punch to your boring oatmeal! I hope you guys like this recipe, and let me know if you try it out! See ya Monday for a #MakeupMonday post!

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