
Sunday, September 6, 2015


Hey guys! So Friday we celebrated my 18th birthday! My birthday is actually tomorrow, but some of my family will be out of town, so we had an early birthday dinner. Fine with me,  I get to celebrate twice ;) We went to one of my favorite restaurants and had the most amazing cake I've ever seen and tasted. I couldn't ask for a better night. Thank you all for all the early birthday wishes, I hope you enjoy the vlog and all pictures below!

Watch the video here:

More pictures of the night:

Goat cheese & pesto bruschetta appetizer

Who knows what I'm saying lol...

Behind the scenes of taking a selfie.

Surprise from the photographer Uncle Peter.

The cake! So many sprinkles.

A look inside! Layered strawberry and white cake with strawberry filing and white buttercream icing. Drowned in sprinkles. Dream cake.

And that's a wrap! It was such an amazing night. And that last pic is me opening my parent't gift: The Sony a5100. I've been saving for this camera for a while and they totally surprised me with it. Feeling so blessed, it was the only thing I've really wanted lately. I can't wait to be able to film so really fun, high quality videos on the go and capture so many memories. You guys will definitely see that! Thank you all so much for watching my videos, following me,  and supporting me. You all mean so much to me, I can't even describe haha. I can't believe how much "BeautyandBananas" has grown in the past year.  I can't believe how much I've grown in the past year. I love making videos and blogging and sharing my passions with all of you. People usually think of bloggers as people that "inspire people" but really you all inspire me. I just talk on camera and show you guys what I love. But my videos would be nothing, without you all that watch them. I mean that. I'm so excited for this next year (in all aspects of my life) and I can't wait to see what's in store. Ok enough of the ramble, I love you all and I hope you're having a great day.

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