
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Relaxation Routine

If you've had a long week or a stressful day, one of the best things yo can do is take some time to yourself to relax and re-new! :)

Some Of My Relax Must Haves!

1.  Headphones and my favorite relaxing music

2. A good magazine! Get of the Instagram explore page and explore a real read! Magazines are great because they don't take as much thinking as a book- so they're perfect for relaxing!

3. Journal- write it down! If something is bothering you, getting it down on paper can take a huge weight off your soldiers. If something makes you happy- write it down to document. Look back it later when you need some positive vibes ;)

4. Fresh flowers! Yes! Having some fresh flowers in my room just make me happy.

5. Take a bath! A nice hot bath can be one the best ways to de-stress and take your mind off things. I love to add a relaxing bath bomb that is full of essential oils which not only calm your mind through the scent, but leave your skin feeling super soft! Shop them here.

6. Do a face mask! I love my Glam Glow Super Mud Mask, and taking extra care of my skin always makes me feel refreshed and more confident. I usually leave mine on for about 15-20 minutes, so you can leave it on while you're in the bath!

7. Super soft pajama pants. My favorite ones are these knit sweater pants from Abercrombie!

I hop you enjoyed some of my relaxation tips! Let me know if you try them! Just taking that extra time to really relax and de-stress for about 30 minutes even once a week will help you you feel so much calmer and happier.

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