
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What I Ate Today! #4

Hey guys! Today I have an other "What I Ate Today" post for ya! I love seeing what other people make on a daily basis for ideas and inspiration! Today was a pretty normal (aka golf practice and working out..) summer day for me. As far as what I've been doing..I'm getting ready to leave for a tournament this weekend out of state, and have lots of golf tournaments coming up this summer. :) I'll be on the road a lot, but I'll try to keep y'all updated as much as possible! Okay back to today! Before I jump into what I eat I just want to say a few things..I eat "clean" whole foods 90% of the time- meaning no processed foods or artificial ingredients, mainly lean protein, fruits, veggies, and nuts and healthy fats. But I do I have a sweet tooth I like to satisfy in a (usually) healthy way. I'm currently also trying to gain lean muscle, and am very active so keep in mind everyone is different and should eat according to their body and goals! :)

For breakfast I had a green smoothie! Actually first I drank two big glasses of water with lemon. I TRY to do this every morning because it jump starts your metabolism, digestion, and wakes you up more than coffee! Then I take my probiotics, spend a little time reflecting, stretching, or catching up on other time for breakfast! I've been obsessed with smoothies for breakfast lately. Every time I have something else, I never feel as energized as when I have a smoothie! This morning I tried my new Vanilla MCT Lean vegan protein powder, which I will have a full review on soon! As for now- I love it!
Here's the Smoothie Recipe:
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 cup spinach 
1 cup almond milk
1 scoop vanilla MCT Lean protein powder 

I packed my lunch for golf today (we had drive about 40 minutes so I ate in the car) which was chicken avocado salad ( one of my favorites! Sooo good and creamy!) over mixed greens and romaine. This is the perfect replacement for classic chicken salad that is full of mayo. I just mix about 3oz shredded chicken (that I Cook in the slow cooker to have for the week) with 1/2 an avocado and a squeeze of lemon.  I also had a side of berries and quinoa. I wasn't really in the mood for the quinoa but I know I needed some carbs to to give me good energy for a day of golf. The berries and quinoa are good on their own, but I like to mix a little with my salad too. :)

Pre-workout snack was a banana and brown rice cake topped with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and a sprinkle of chia seeds. This is a good pre workout snack full of complex and simple carbs and a little fat + protein from the peanut butter. 

Post - workout I had a Cookies & Cream Quest bar in the car driving home. I try not to eat a lot of whey protein, as I prefer plant based options when it comes to protein powders/bars and it's little hard on my stomach if I eat it too often- but quest bars are my one exception because they're just irresistible. This flavor tastes better than Oreos. I was never a huge Oreo fan as a kid, unless when they were either double (or triple) stuffed with cream or blended into a McFlurry. These live up to that. I feel like I'm eating something so naughty, but I'm actually eating 21 grams of protein with only 3 net carbs and no added sugar. Their almost too good to be true...Haha

After showering, watching some YouTube videos,doing a little blogging and diddle daddling...I finally made dinner. My workout was really tough earlier, and I burned a lot of energy- so I wanted to make sure I got in a good meal of quality protein, carbs, and fats. 
I was in the mood for eggs, craving carrots, didn't feel like meat and wanting something simple. Talk about picky..haha jk. This was actually a very quick dinner! I made a scramble of 1 egg and 2 egg whites with zuchini, red pepper and spinach. (All cooked with coconut oil) I topped the eggs some avocado and unpictured salsa. I had some sweet potato and golden potato already baked in the fridge (thank you meal prep!) that I cubed and sautéed in coconut oil with cumin and chili powder (best potato seasoning combo!) It's kinda like breakfast potatoes! Yummy! And for some veggies I had some steamed green beens and carrots, which I actually was really craving! Haha now we know why my hands are so orange..

After dinner, later on I was kinda craving something sweet but I wasn't too hungry. I didn't have any healthy treats baked up this week and I didn't want to make some elaborate concoction. My last trip to Whole foods I picked up a few these organic Dark chocolate squares. Their the perfect portion control treat when you really just want a bite! And their only 25 cents a piece! Their really small but satisfied my sweet tooth just enough before bed! 

I hope you guys enjoyed! See ya next time! What are your favorite meals or snacks lately? Let me know in the comments! 

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