
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rocky Road Protein Waffles

Hey guys! You like Rocky Road ice cream right?? YES I DO TOO!!!!  I honor of National Rocky Road Day, June 2, my friend Kyla and I decided to do a collab in honor of this glorious day. Kyla has a wonderful blog,, where she posts about fitness, fashion, and healthy delicious food! I decided to dedicate my recipe in the form of one my favorite healthy breakfasts, protein waffles, and Kyla created an amazing brownie recipe.
I suppose I'll give you a brief history of how the famous Rocky Road ice cream flavor was born...According to the internet, the flavor was created in March 1929 by William Dryer in Oakland, California when he cut up walnuts and marshmallows with his wife's sewing scissors and added them to his chocolate ice cream in a manner that reflected his partner Joseph Edy's (any famous ice cream brand's coming to mind?) chocolate candy creation incorporating walnuts and marshmallow pieces. Later, the walnuts would be replaced by pieces of toasted almond. After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, Dreyer and Edy gave the flavor its current name "to give folks something to smile about in the midst of the Great Depression." I thought this was so cool! So maybe if you make my waffles, they'll put a smile on your face to maybe brighten up a rocky road in your life! ;)
I have to say these turned out pretty was like eating dessert for breakfast, except without the after math. So let's get started!

Rocky Road Protein Waffles 
(serves 1)

waffle batter:
  • 1/3 cup oats (blended into flour)
  • 1/2 banana 
  • 1 scoop protein powder (chocolate or vanilla)
  • 1 Tbs. cocoa powder
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 Tbs. mini marshmallows 
  • 1 tsp. dark chocolate chips (I used ones by Lilly's made with natural stevia for no added sugar, click here to buy.)
1.Using a food processor, blend the oats into oat "flour". Next add protein powder and give it a quick blend just to mix.
2. Either mash the banana by hand or just. blend it with the flour.
3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, and whisk in the egg whites, cocoa powder, baking soda, and almond milk.
4. Pour into your waffle maker and drop in the marshmallows and chocolate chips. (Adding them in the batter makes them melty and delicious!) 
5. Let cook for a few minutes until waffle is ready. Add toppings and chocolate drizzle and enjoy!

*Note: This makes one large waffle, but you could also make this same batter into pancakes!

  • 1 Tbs. slivered almonds or walnuts
  • 1 Tbs. mini marshmallows
  • 1 tsp. dark chocolate chips

Chocolate Sauce Drizzle:
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • 1 tsp. cocoa powder
  • Stevia to taste
  • 1-2 tsp. almond milk
  • 1. Microwave the oil, cocoa and stevia for 15 seconds and add almond milk until desired consistency. Drizzle on waffle. 

Nutrition Facts (including toppings):
485 calories, 17 grams of healthy fat, 61 carbs, 15 grams sugar, 31 grams protein
*for a lower calorie option use less toppings 
*for a lower carb option try a protein waffle recipe without oats but still use the same add ins :) I like the oats because it keeps me fuller longer though!

I hope you enjoyed this fun recipe, and don't forget to check out Kyla's post at
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. mňaaam, to vyzerá ozaj chutne :3!

  2. Liked those nutrition facts you have shared. This one is going to be part of my breakfast everyday.
